The procedure corrects bunions with 2 or 3 small incisions causing little to no pain, and minimal to NO scar is produced. Most patients are suitable for this type of surgery. There is far less swelling than traditional bunion surgery which means you will be back in your shoes much sooner. The correction is stable and permanent using a wire fixation that is generally removed in 4 weeks. Mild bunions may not require wire fixation. Patients can generally bear weight after surgery wearing a post-op shoe.

Dr. Middleton uses a cosmetic, or aesthetic approach to correct painful bunions. Plastic surgery and minimally invasive bunion surgery techniques are used to hide, minimize and/or limit incisions. As with any plastic surgery, emphasis is placed on the visual appearance after surgery and in the case of keyhole bunion procedure involves both the skin aspect and how the bones are realigned. Special plastic surgery techniques are applied to incisions which limit scarring for a more aesthetic result. However, the main indication for the procedure is a painful bunion.


The surgery takes about 35 minutes, however you will be at the surgery center for about 2 hours total from admission to discharge. Dr. Middleton performs surgery in a state certified, licensed ambulatory surgery center which provides the highest level of safety and sterility.


  • Swelling, redness or pain around your big toe
  • A bump at the base of your big toe that is buldging outward
  • Increased pain in or around your big toe joint that is persistent or intermittent

Contact Us

  • Medical Foot Care Center
    211 Redmond Road
    Rome, GA 30165
    (706) 802-1800


Most people are eligible for minimally invasive keyhole bunion surgery. However, it's not for everyone. Some deformities are too large or not suitable to be corrected using this technique. A lapidus bunionectomy may be required. A consultation will allow you to discuss your options in detail and decide which method of bunion correction is right for you.


Can any surgeon perform minimally invasive bunion surgery?

No. Very specific training in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) techniques is required. These procedures require surgical tools not used in traditional surgery.

Brian Middleton, DPMDr. Brian Middleton, D.P.M., pursued his pre-medical education and graduated with an Electrical Engineering degree from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. He received his Doctorate in Podiatric Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, then completed a multi-year surgery residency in Atlanta, Georgia.

He has completed specialized training in minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery.

Dr. Middlton has been in practice in Rome, Georgia, since 1991. He is an active member of many medical specialty organizations and is available to speak on various foot and health topics, addressing community groups and health fairs.

Dr. Middleton believes doing things the right way is the only way! No shortcuts, no compromises. It's always about being at the center of surgical excellence.